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At Burghill Community Academy, our History curriculum is designed using the Kapow Primary scheme to inspire pupils to become curious and creative thinkers with a comprehensive understanding of local, national, and world history. The curriculum aligns with our school’s vision of the "6 Rs" — Reflectiveness, Relationships, Resilience, Resourcefulness, Respect, and Risk-Taking — to cultivate individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also prepared to engage actively and empathetically in the world around them.


Our History curriculum aims to:

  • Reflectiveness: Encourage pupils to look back at historical events, reflect on their impact, and consider how the lessons learned can shape a better future.

  • Relationships: Develop understanding of how different societies and individuals interacted over time, fostering empathy and respect for diverse cultures and communities.

  • Resilience: Provide opportunities for pupils to confront challenging historical narratives and events, building their capacity to handle complex topics with confidence and perseverance.

  • Resourcefulness: Encourage pupils to independently research and use a range of historical evidence to develop their own interpretations and arguments.

  • Respect: Instill a sense of respect for different historical perspectives and cultural contributions, both past and present.

  • Risk-Taking: Enable pupils to ask bold questions, hypothesize, and make informed judgments based on critical analysis of historical sources.

The Kapow Primary scheme supports the development of these attributes by promoting an enquiry-based approach to learning. It allows pupils to critically examine historical evidence, make connections across time periods, and construct meaningful narratives of the past. We aim to build pupils’ understanding of key substantive concepts such as power, trade, invasion, settlement, and migration, preparing them for future learning in history and other disciplines.

Our curriculum is informed by the latest educational research, including the memory curve theory and findings from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), which highlight the importance of spaced repetition and retrieval practice in reinforcing long-term knowledge retention. By revisiting key concepts and building on prior learning, our History curriculum ensures that pupils develop a deep, chronologically secure understanding of historical events and processes.



To meet our curriculum intent, we use the Kapow Primary scheme, which provides a comprehensive, progressive, and inclusive History curriculum from EYFS through to Key Stage 2.


 Curriculum Structure and Delivery:

History is taught in half-termly blocks across the year, allowing sufficient time for in-depth exploration of each topic.

Lessons are structured around enquiry-based questions, encouraging pupils to follow the enquiry cycle: Question, Investigate, Interpret, Evaluate, Conclude, and Communicate.

The Kapow scheme follows a spiral curriculum model, where substantive concepts like power, invasion, and trade are introduced in Key Stage 1 and revisited in greater depth in Key Stage 2, supporting the development of a secure knowledge base.


Teaching and Learning Approaches:

Lessons are varied and engaging, incorporating activities that develop both substantive and disciplinary knowledge, such as analysing sources, exploring different historical interpretations, and understanding cause and effect.

The scheme incorporates a range of teaching strategies, including hands-on activities, storytelling, role-playing, and the use of digital resources, to appeal to different learning styles and ensure inclusivity.

Knowledge organisers and quizzes are used to reinforce key facts and concepts, promoting memory retention through spaced repetition and retrieval practice.

"History in Action" videos feature professionals in history-related fields, helping pupils understand the real-world applications of history and inspiring future career aspirations.

Assessment and Progress Monitoring:

Formative assessment is embedded in every lesson through observation, questioning, and pupil self-assessment. Teachers use this to adjust teaching to meet pupils' needs.

Summative assessments are conducted at the end of each unit through quizzes and knowledge catchers, allowing teachers to track progress against key learning objectives and identify any gaps in knowledge or understanding.

Assessment for Learning (AfL) strategies, including peer and self-assessment, are used regularly to encourage pupils to reflect on their learning, set targets, and take ownership of their progress.


Professional Development:

The Kapow scheme provides teacher resources, including videos and detailed lesson plans, to support subject knowledge and confidence in delivering high-quality History lessons.

Regular CPD opportunities are offered to staff to enhance their pedagogical skills and stay updated on the latest research and best practices in history education.

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Bayeux Tapestry William Conqueror.jpg


The impact of our History curriculum is measured through both formative and summative assessments, regular pupil feedback, and monitoring by subject leaders. The use of the Kapow Primary scheme ensures a consistent approach to teaching and learning across the school, supporting all pupils in achieving their full potential.

By the end of each key stage, pupils will:

  • Develop a strong understanding of British and world history, including key events, individuals, and movements that have shaped our present society.

  • Acquire critical thinking skills to ask questions, analyse sources, and construct informed arguments.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of key historical concepts such as power, invasion, settlement, and trade, and make connections between these concepts across different periods and regions.

  • Exhibit empathy and respect for diverse historical perspectives and understand how historical narratives are constructed and interpreted.

  • Be reflective learners who can assess their own progress, identify areas for improvement, and set personal learning goals.

  • Feel prepared for future education with a foundation of knowledge and skills that enables them to engage confidently with more advanced historical study.

Our tracking system ensures that pupil progress is monitored continuously, with individual learning journeys documented through a combination of assessments, work samples, and pupil reflections. This comprehensive approach allows us to celebrate successes, address learning gaps, and ensure all pupils leave Burghill Community Academy with a rich understanding of history and the ability to think critically about the world around them.

By embedding our "6 Rs" within the History curriculum, we are committed to nurturing thoughtful, empathetic, and resilient learners who are ready to make their mark on the world.

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