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Spanish (M.F.L)

Flag of Spain


At Burghill Community Academy, we are committed to providing a broad, balanced, and engaging curriculum that aligns with our school ethos and the vision of the 6 Rs: Reflectiveness, Relationships, Resilience, Resourcefulness, Respect, and Risk-Taking. Our intent for the Spanish curriculum, delivered through the Primary Language Network (PLN) scheme, is to foster a love for language learning and cultivate an awareness of other cultures, promoting our pupils' understanding and appreciation of diversity and global citizenship.

The PLN Spanish scheme of work is designed to instill confidence in our pupils to communicate in Spanish for practical purposes, both in spoken and written forms. Our aim is to provide a solid foundation in language learning that encourages and enables pupils to apply their skills to other languages, facilitating further language study and expanding their future opportunities to study and work abroad. Through this curriculum, we support pupils to meet the National Curriculum end of Key Stage 2 attainment targets, ensuring they are well-prepared for language learning in Key Stage 3.

To align with the latest learning theories, including the "memory curve" and findings from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), our curriculum is designed as a spiral model. This model revisits key skills, grammar, and vocabulary with increasing complexity, reinforcing knowledge retention and deepening understanding over time. Pupils learn through regular practice across the four modalities of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. By building these fundamental skills, we encourage students to become confident communicators who can connect with others and express themselves effectively.

Hanging Decorations


The implementation of the Spanish curriculum at Burghill Community Academy follows the PLN scheme of work, which provides a structured and progressive approach to language learning. Spanish is timetabled weekly for all Key Stage 2 classes, ensuring consistent exposure and practice. Lessons are video-led by a native Spanish speaker, ensuring that pupils and staff are receiving the highest level of teaching possible. Each lesson follows a clear sequence that balances listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. By starting with oral skills, pupils develop confidence in pronunciation and conversational Spanish, which they can then apply to more complex reading and writing tasks.

The curriculum revisits key vocabulary, phonics, and grammar progressively, helping students build upon prior knowledge. Lessons incorporate a variety of engaging teaching strategies such as independent tasks, paired and group work, role-play, language games, and detective work, which cater to different learning styles and enhance pupil engagement. The focus on "language detective skills" and understanding Spanish grammar over memorization allows pupils to tackle unfamiliar vocabulary confidently, fostering resilience and resourcefulness.

Our "During the Week" activities encourage the integration of Spanish into daily classroom routines, promoting consistent practice and reinforcing learning. Additionally, we utilize a range of resources such as interactive digital tools, sound files, and phoneme videos to support both pupils and teachers, particularly those who may feel less confident in their language skills.


We actively raise the profile of Spanish within the school through displays, the use of the language is scattered throughout everyday scenarios (the class registers, basic classroom commands, pleases and thank yous etc.). Enrichment activities, such as Spanish cultural days and language clubs, provide further opportunities for pupils to explore the language and culture in an engaging and immersive way.

Eating Paella
Mexican Street Decoration


The impact of the Spanish curriculum is evaluated continuously through self-assessments and teacher judgement. Each lesson includes clear objectives and assessment criteria, allowing teachers to monitor pupil progress against the learning goals. Pupils engage in self-assessment and peer feedback, reflecting on their progress and setting targets for improvement, in line with our school’s value of Reflectiveness. 


By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of spoken Spanish by listening and responding appropriately.

  • Speak and read aloud with confidence, applying correct pronunciation and phonics knowledge.

  • Engage in purposeful dialogue and express opinions in practical contexts.

  • Identify grammatical rules and apply them in speaking and writing.

  • Construct short texts on familiar topics, utilizing a growing vocabulary base.

  • Appreciate the role of language learning in promoting cross-cultural understanding.


These outcomes align with our school’s vision and the 6 Rs. Reflectiveness is encouraged as pupils evaluate their learning and set personal targets. Relationships are fostered through collaborative activities and language exchange. Resilience is built through challenging tasks that push pupils beyond their comfort zones. Resourcefulness is developed by using language detective skills. Respect is cultivated by understanding and appreciating the cultures associated with the language. Finally, Risk-Taking is promoted as pupils are encouraged to speak and write in a new language, trying new phrases and grammar with confidence.

Our assessment models, including AfL (Assessment for Learning), continuous tracking, and evidence-gathering through classroom activities, ensure that our pupils are making consistent progress in their Spanish learning journey. By following the PLN Spanish scheme, we aim to shape children into confident, motivated language learners who are ready to engage with the wider world.

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