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The school has a duty to do its best to provide a safe and secure environment for all pupils, free from the threat of neglect, physical, mental or sexual abuse.

The designated officers responsible for safeguarding and  child protection are:

  • Mrs Liz Potter DSL  and Head of School

  • Mr Nick Locke  Deputy DSL

  • Mr Ben Caldicott Deputy  DSL and Executive Head

Please see our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy in the link below, available for parents to consult along with an information leaflet, both available from the school office as well as this website.

The following poster is displayed throughout the school, giving information on all the relevant members of staff for Safeguarding, Looked After Children and also SEN.

If you should have any concerns do not hesitate to contact  the school. It is everyone's duty to play their role in safeguarding our children and community. 



safeguarding image.png

Please click on the links below to access more useful information and help. 










​Online Safety is a concern for many parents and we work hard as a school to ensure that our parents and children are made aware of websites and how to keep safe online. 

Our E-Safety page on this website gives more information, but the following links can also be used to inform and report your concerns :


                                    A free, private and confidential service for children, where you can talk about anything.


                                    A website to report online content which incites hatred.


                                                                     The UK’s hotline for reporting illegal content found on the internet.


                                                                     A place to report harmful online content.


Early Help Assessment

Early Help is an opportunity for you to get support and guidance for your children and your family at the earliest opportunity.

If you think an Early Help Assessment might be something that you feel would help your family, please see the leaflet link below or speak to Mrs Liz Potter.





Burghill Community Academy School is an inclusive school, and we aim to ensure that every child is offered the opportunity to achieve their full potential, no matter what their needs may be. The school is required to work in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2014), which relates to Part 3 of the Children and Families Act (2014), and also the Equality Act (2010). At Burghill Community Academy, we believe in the importance of every child achieving their ‘best’, making good progress and enjoying their learning experience through Quality First Teaching. As a school when we plan any learning opportunity, our learners and their needs are the central focus.




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